High School Bucket List

High School Bucket List

Have you ever made a bucket list? Well, you should definitely consider making one. According to officer.com, “developing a version of a bucket list is healthy, focusing, and adds a layer of meaning and excitement to life and what the future holds.”

Many people enjoy having bucket lists because it gives them something to strive for. Sophomore Annika Ellis shared, “I have a bucket list I made in eighth grade with my friend.” She also says she would like to make an updated bucket list for high school. When asked if she thinks she will complete everything on her bucket list, she replied, “I really want to, I have a lot of goals.”

Before you graduate from high school you probably want to spend your time having fun with friends. It is important to make your time at high school the best four years of your life, so why not enjoy your teenage years and live them to the fullest. Here are some ways to live up your high school years!

  1. Go to prom
  2. Go on a roadtrip with your friends
  3. Go to a football game
  4. Get your license
  5. Befriend a lower/upper classman
  6. Join a club/sport
  7. Take journalism
  8. Try new and different classes
  9. Get a summer job
  10. Buy a car
  11. Skip class
  12. Watch all the High School Musical movies in one night
  13. Go to a drive in movie
  14. Go to a concert
  15. Create a time capsule
  16. Go paint balling
  17. Pull a prank on someone
  18. Have a food fight
  19. Go hiking
  20. Travel to another country
  21. Make a scrapbook of high school
  22. Go night swimming
  23. Participate in powderpuff
  24. Go bridge jumping
  25. Be in the color day video
  26. Make new friends
  27. Go to homecoming
  28. Write a letter to your future self
  29. Participate in assassin
  30. Spend a whole day having a movie marathon
  31. Go on a picnic
  32. Go to a party
  33. Make a varsity sport
  34. Go backpacking
  35. Play paint twister
  36. Jump off a waterfall/bridge
  37. Adopt a pet from an animal shelter
  38. Go swimming with dolphins
  39. Participate in Slide the City
  40. Go ice skating in New York
  41. Sleep in a tent
  42. Go to Coachella
  43. Go to Scream Fest
  44. Do a Fun Run
  45. Go to a professional sports game
  46. See the Northern Lights
  47. Pin a map
  48. Visit Niagara Falls
  49. Graduate
  50. Go to college

