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Spirit week is known to be the best week in the whole school year. One week that everyone dresses up as a different category every day.
Starting with Ugly Sweater Day on Thursday, Neon Day on Friday, Pajama Day on Monday, Class Color Day on Tuesday, and finally Spirit Day (Pentucket Day) on Wednesday to end Spirit Week and to start Thanksgiving Break.
But, is this order and categories used too often and should we change it up. Or is it a good mix of categories that we should continue to use every year.
Adrianna Early (senior) claims that the repetitive categories each year is getting old and boring. Since freshman year, we have had almost the same dress up days every year. Most say it is getting old, but some believe that it gives us a chance to change it up every year.
Senior, Keshani Hughes says that having the same days every year for spirit week makes it easier. “We all know what to expect, because it happened the year before” she told me. She also said that “it gives you another chance to dress up even better than the previous year”.
In previous years, we created skits to perform at the end of the week. After a controversial event that occurred last year, the skits were banned and videos have taken their place. The skits were such a fun part of spirit week and they will be missed.
In the end, we all get to see the fabulous videos that were created by each class. Seniors and Juniors were voted to have the best skits. It was a close call, but in the end the seniors were victorious. The huge controversy over the skits being changed to videos turned out not so bad.
Overall, Spirit week is a fun week for everyone, no matter what the dress up day is.