New Year’s Resolutions

(Photo Source: New York Times)

(Photo Source: New York Times)

Kate Conover, Writer

New Year’s resolutions have become more prominent in the past couple of years than ever. Starting the year off on the right foot has provided many people with a sense of inspiration for what the new year will bring. However, what many people do not know is the origin of where resolutions started and how they came to be in the modern day. 

Origin of Resolutions

Resolutions have not always been common in society. Many people believe New Year’s resolutions are a way to start the new year off on the right track. “New Year, New Me” has become a popular saying recently in the United States. 

The ancient Babylonians were believed to be the first people to make New Year’s Resolutions and celebrate the new year in general. The Babylonians started their year mid-march when crops were planted. 

The Babylonians would make “resolutions” to their God. For example, this may have included paying back debts or returning objects that they had borrowed from one another. If the Babylonians kept their word, their Gods would bestow favor upon them for the coming year. And if they did not, they would “fall out of God’s favor,” which was a place no one wanted to be. 

The Babylonian New Year was adopted by the Romans, as was the tradition of resolutions. However, the Julian calendar shifted in 46 B.C., which declared January 1st as the start of the new year. The Romans offered sacrifices to their God and would promise good behavior throughout the coming year. 

(Photo Source: PEXELS)

Resolutions in the early 1900s were more focused on religion or spiritual nature and often reflected the desire for a stronger moral character. 

Medical sociologist, Natalie Boero, suggests that New Year’s resolutions are also a reflection of status, financial wealth, responsibility, and self-discipline. 

In addition, only 8% of people keep their New Year’s resolutions. However, studies say that it is still important to make a New Year’s resolution, even if you don’t end up keeping it. 

Making a New Year’s Resolution provides intention for self-improvement, hope and engagement, responsibility, and inspiration

In conclusion, New Year’s resolutions are important because they spark an idea that there is something better, and if you do end up keeping your resolution it can have a largely positive effect. 

(Photo Source: PEXELS)

Below are the most popular New Year’s resolutions of 2023, according to News 10

  1. Exercise more (52%)
  2. Eat Healthier (50%)
  3. Lose Weight (40%)
  4. Save More Money (39%)
  5. Spend More Time with Family/Friends (37%)


Resolutions are best kept when they are framed positively. Resolutions that use negative words such as “stopping” or “quitting” typically do not last. In addition, choosing a resolution that is attainable and not out of reach is beneficial as well. 

Resolutions can change your life if they are properly used. However, it is easier to quit than keep going, which keeps many people from achieving their New Year’s resolutions.