Saving the Bees

Photo source: Maciej A. Czyzewski; Wikimedia Commons

Photo source: Maciej A. Czyzewski; Wikimedia Commons

Sarah Graninger, Writer

Why Bees Are So Important

According to Albert Einstein, losing honeybees as plant pollinators would create a non-sustainable future and humans would soon perish. The relationship between honeybees and agriculture is key to human survival. Bees are a huge part of the way our ecosystem works, and are essential in keeping it balanced.  A majority of species rely on bee pollution for survival. Our delicate ecosystem needs to maintain diversity among all pollinators, such as butterflies, hummingbirds and even bats to make sure that flowers, vegetables and genetically modified corn can produce enough food for our planet.  Despite that, honey bees are the primary pollinators for our environment, as they are a key part in the process of plants growing. When bees pollinate, they are fertilizing the plant by transferring fibers of grains from one plant to another. Most flowers require pollination to reproduce, and a huge majority of our resources come from pollinated plants, seeds, trees, and crops.

Photo Source: Kai Wenzel; Unsplash

What is Happening to the Bees

There are many things that are negatively affecting the wellbeing of honey bees. Pesticides, nutrition deficits, pollution, global warming/ climate change, and other factors are causing rates of endangerment in honey bees. 


Human Induced: Pesticides

Research supports that pesticides have had an extraordinarily damaging effect on honeybees. Pesticides are put on plants and crops to keep different “pests” away. When bees come to pollinate on pesticide coated plants, they are met with toxins. Exposure to Pesticides is harmful for all pollinators. Pesticides have been proven to negatively affect a bee’s memory and ability to  learn. Human induced threats to honeybees require grave conservation efforts to help honeybee hives and their environments. Although we do not consider how our actions affect the species that live on this Earth as well, there is a chance for us to help the damage we have caused that benefit both humans, and honey bees.

Photo Source: Getty Images

How Can We Fix This?

Incorporating bees into farming has many benefits. Increased crop yields are important for both species as bees can pollinate, and farmers can produce honey in the off season for valuable income.  Sustainable and organic agriculture can have a positive effect on honeybee health.  Organic farming reduces the use of synthetic pesticides that are harmful to bees, and uses methods to improve pollinator habitat and provide more nutritious options that will later support their health. After all, what is good for honey bees also is good for the environment and climate.