Who’s the Best Spider-Man?

Photo Source: Spider-Man: No Way Home, Jon Watts
June 14, 2023
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has so many different timelines, and in the movie, Spider-Man No Way Home, we finally see our favorite Spider-Mans all together.
All the movies, loved by many people, share something special with each person. Some could argue the first ones are absolutely the best.
Some say the second generation opened up a new take on Peter Parker, and the newest ones, known by almost everyone, showed how far Peter Parker’s story can stretch.
All the movies show a similar story, but all are very different and well-liked on their own.
There is a debate amongst fans as to who is the best Spider-Man, here’s what we thought of all of the Spider-Man movies!
Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man

This was the first live-action Spider-Man movie and fans loved it. Fans loved Spider-Man so much, that they made two more movies.
The movies are filled with new villains, betrayal, and love. It made the fictional Spider-Man come to life and not just in a comic book sitting in the library.
Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man is the most realistic in comparison to the comics. It showed Peter Parker as a teenager in high school and how he progressed to becoming a journalist later in his adult life.
Parker is friends with Harry Osbourn and fights the Green Goblin, Norman Osbourn, which is similar in the comics.
They also have both Mary Jane and MJ in Maguire’s Spider-Man movie. All of these characters add to the plot and drama.
The Maguire trilogy has drama and heartache that created the Spider-Man character that we know and love today.
Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man

In 2012, five years after the last Spider-Man movie with Tobey Maguire, “The Amazing Spider-Man” made its debut as the next Spider-verse with more elements and additions than ever.
Starring Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone there was a new wave for what was to come.
Some would say the TASM movies take a dark approach to the story of Peter Parker, adding more solemn elements and melancholy to the plot and characters compared to the first Spider-Man movies.
The TASM series consists of two movies “The Amazing Spider-Man”, and “The Amazing Spider-Man 2”, although there was talk of a third one, it never happened.
The story still follows the generic Peter Parker storyline, the mysteriousness of his parents, the loss of his uncle, family difficulties, and falling in love with the female protagonist, Gwen Stacy.
It also introduced new aspects of the series, like more complex villains, shocking deaths, and more
Many believe the TASM series with Andrew Garfield are the best Spider-Man movies compared to the others.
Its dark nature, complexity, emotions, character, and plot, compared to the first Spider-Man movies and the most recent, introduces elements more intricate and ideal
Many can also agree that the villains were very cool as well. A mad scientist obsessed with creating the perfect society, the ex-friend, Harry Osbourne uses his betrayal as a motive against Spider-Man, as well as a helpless man who fell victim to an eel tank, it all just adds up to the movie by the name “The Amazing Spider-Man”.
Tom Holland’s Spider-Man

Tom Holland’s debut as Spider-Man was in Captain America: Civil War in 2016. Where he fought alongside Tony Stark and his army.
Then a year later, Spider-Man: Homecoming was released in 2017. Initially, this new Spider-Man wasn’t as popular as the previous Spider-Man movies.
At the same time, Marvel was releasing new movies to add to the MCU or Marvel Cinematic Universe, so Spider-Man never got as much attention as it deserved.
As Tony Stark and Peter Parker’s father-son relationship grew, so did the fandom. Spider-Man’s engagement with the MCU in movies such as Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame helped skyrocket his views.
Now the Spider-Man fandom is larger than ever.
Tom Holland played Spider-Man amazingly and made a lovable character even more lovable. Holland’s acting made watchers feel for his character.
The MCU definitely added to his popularity which greatly added to his character, but a lot of his character was built on his relationship with Tony Stark and the Avengers.
At the end of the third movie, the audience was expecting a happy ending to the movie trilogy. Still, the audience never truly gets to see Peter Parker have a happily ever after.
Although the movie ended in tragedy (hopefully) this means Marvel will add more to Spider-Man’s story.
All of the Spider-Man movies have influenced generations of people. Overall, all of the Spider-Man movies have their highs and lows.
They have created a world of endless possibilities when it comes to this particular superhero.
Some have strong opinions about how they feel about the different movies, and others enjoy them all, it’s all about what appeals to certain people, and what each movie brings to an individual.
No matter the movie’s differences, everyone can still share their love for the storyline.