Before the GAVE (German American Virtual Exchange) program, Pentucket used the GAPP (German American Partnership Program). The GAPP exchange that Pentucket participated in introduced new students from Germany to the school for two weeks to experience American life.
Now, twenty Pentucket students who take German will be able to see their partner again and experience what life is like in Germany through GAVE. The purpose of this is to recognize cultural differences and make new friends. GAPP is significant because Pentucket has not had an exchange in a long period of time. To learn more about the GAPP exchange you can check out my other article here GAPP.
Introduction to GAVE
This is an exchange program where we connect with students around the same age as us who go to Emsland Gymnasium. This program has us meet with the exchange students online to practice our German, which progresses the language knowledge. We also get to connect with new people. For more information go to GAVE.
Why we like GAVE
This exchange program is enjoyable because we get to talk about cultural differences and make new friends in a different country. GAVE is a helpful program because as someone who takes German at Pentucket, we can meet with exchange students before going to our Germany trip. We will feel more comfortable staying in Germany and attending Emsland Gymnasium with our partners.
Our experiences with GAVE
In my German class, we have had about two Zoom meetings with the students at Emsland Gymnasium. We have talked about Thanksgiving, which is not a national holiday in German, Christmas (Weihnachten), and more. We made presentations to show our Emsland partners how we celebrate Christmas and Christmas Eve.
Final Note
I like using the GAVE program because it strengthens my communication skills and we get to learn more about the culture in Germany. I have been able to meet so many new people and make connections with them just by video calling! This has been such a great experience and I’m looking forward to the next time I can meet with more students from Emsland Gymnasium.