A Feminism Talk to Girls

The problem with society is the way women are perceived and the specific definition that a “true woman” is supposed to fit.
We are supposed to be sexy, but not “slutty”; talkative, but not outspoken; intelligent, but not opinionated. We are raised to be cowards, to regret the poor choices that we make, and to be ashamed of our sexuality, appearance, education, and bodies.
In the same way, men are supposed to live out a specific definition of masculinity; a standard set by other men as a way to keep women submissive. Doesn’t sound like a very “equal” society, does it?
In the world today, women are raised to live in fear of murder and rape, so much so that parents might choose to send their son to the store rather than their daughter in fear of her safety being compromised. If you knew that one in every six women are victims of attempted or succeeded rape, would you be shocked? Does it surprise you that women are victimized in court and that a woman can be accused of destroying a young man’s life with an accused rape sentence?
To me, it isn’t surprising that, in the society in which I live, a woman’s sanities would be put through such torture in these accusations. It is sickening that the United States, the place we call our home, covers up the fact that girls who are even younger than I am flinch at the touch of another person.
And maybe if boys in my high school knew and understood the statistics of eating disorders, maybe they would have second thoughts when making fun of girls who are seen in their eyes as “fat.”
And maybe if that girl knew that twenty million others trying to meet society’s expectations also suffered from an eating disorder; she wouldn’t destroy her body, for a peace of mind she’ll never attain.
Along with other feminism issues, thirty three percent of women across the world are denied education. Women in third world countries, who do get education, typically only go up to grade school. The men in these countries are continually taught to carry this sick tradition on.
For centuries, girls have been taught to “sit down and shut up.” And on the other hand, boys have excuses made for them like “boys will be boys” and “if he’s mean to you that means he likes you.” Instead of making excuses for the immaturity some men possess, it is time to teach them how to actually have true respect for their equals.
Stop telling girls that they can’t do what they want; they can’t have deep opinions or speak out; Stop telling them they can’t have pride in their bodies, just the way it is. Yes. We. Can.
Fellow women can only hope that the future generations of girls will not suffer from abusive relationships, pressures of society, disrespect, and unequal treatment. More women need to stand up and take charge of the cards we have been dealt.
We all need to try to be one of those women.