Do PC players have an advantage over console players? While a PC has its advantage with its faster movement and more flexibility, console has its upsides with lower cost and still great performance.
Some advantages the PC has over the console is its operating power and customizability. While consoles have fixed hardware that can not be upgraded. PCs, on the other hand, come with customizability which means you can replace and upgrade certain components such as the RAM (random access memory), cooling system, and processors. Even though consoles can’t be customized, they come with hardware that you know can run games efficiently because you don’t have to check the specs, which are the components, before playing a game to see if it will run as expected like you would with a computer.
One downside of a console is that it may become outdated and require you to buy a newer model, but with a PC you can just buy different parts to keep up with the graphics and processing power required. One other advantage that Pc has is its frames per second (FPS). The average console’s FPS is 30-60 while a PC’s average FPS is 60-90, but can go higher with upgraded components and optimization.
What’s better about having higher FPS? Having higher FPS gives smoother gameplay and better response to input. One other thing that isn’t required, but is an experience booster is the availability of Ray Tracing Textel eXtreme (RTX). RTX offers ray tracing which provides much better rendering of realistic shadows, reflections, refractions, and indirect lighting.
Some pros of a console is the optimization in games. With a PC there are programs running in the background that can hinder your game quality, but with a console, its sole purpose is to run games as efficiently as possible.
One of the main deciding factors for many people is the price. The cost of a mid to high performance PC would be about $1,000-2,000, but the pinnacle of a console is around $700 which is a crazy price gap considering how much a mid to high performance PC would cost.
Overall, I would choose a PC over a console because of how much more flexibility it has, while still being able to run games exceptionally well. On the other hand, if you just want to just play games then go with a console.