You probably have been living here all your life, but have you ever been to some of the finest places in New England? With the unexpected weather, friendly summer, and the beautiful fall foliage, New England is one of the best places in the world that has numerous activities to do with your family and friends.
MAINE: Maine is known for its rocky coastline and sandy beaches. In Maine, you can find beautiful nature areas including national wildlife parks and camping grounds. People love to visit the state so they can connect to nature and take in its natural beauty.
ACADIA NATIONAL PARK: Acadia is a very popular national park that anchors activities like camping, hiking, biking. It also had a beautiful view of the ocean and mountains. You can go into the town of Bar Harbor where there are plenty more activities to occupy your time in Maine.

MASSACHUSETTS: Massachusetts lies on the Atlantic ocean and is bordered by other New England states like Vermont, New Hampshire, and Connecticut. It is a great place to take your family on vacation during any season.
MARTHA’S VINEYARD/NANTUCKET: These two islands in Massachusetts are beautiful places to visit in the summer or on vacation. With sandy beaches, shopping, and delicious foods, these vacation spots are wonderful places to travel anytime of year.
NEW HAMPSHIRE: Nicknamed the granite state, this state is known for skiing, mountains, and many other activities. Many families come to New Hampshire during the winter months for skiing at places like Attitash, and Loon.
WASHINGTON: This mountain is the tallest mountain on the East Coast, 6288 feet in elevation, with beautiful views that will take your breath away. It is also known for its erratic weather. Here you can hike, ski and or go enjoy Mt. Washington Hotel, located near the mountain with a gorgeous view and golf course.
RHODE ISLAND: famous for its beautiful coastlines, Rhode Island is another New England state filled with attractions for everyone. Although it is the smallest state in the U.S., there are still numerous activities that you and your family can do when on vacation.
NEWPORT: Newport is a wonderful place to travel with your family in the summertime. There you can walk around town and experience the cultural attractions and Colonial buildings by foot. If you enjoy seafood, take a stop at The Mooring Seafood Kitchen & Bar. or if you simply prefer a good American meal, check out White Horse Tavern. If you want to stay on a budget but still enjoy your time, consider taking a cliff walk with an ocean front view.
VERMONT: Known for its natural landscape, Vermont is a New England state rich in maple syrup. It is a great place to visit and spend time in, with views of mountains and many hiking trails.
LAKE CHAMPLAIN: a beautiful freshwater lake in the state of Vermont. It extends into Quebec, Canada, and there are many activities to do when visiting. You can take a hike on the trails surrounding the lake, or you can simply do some water activities like water skiing, or boating. There are also rental houses right on the lake that are available to stay at.
CONNECTICUT: A state in southern New England that has many rural areas, along with small towns and coastal cities. There are many attractions to visit on a vacation or trip to Connecticut, and the best time to visit is May to June, or during early fall in September or October.
MYSTIC: It’s known for being one of the most visited attractions in New England. The Mystic Sea Port is a great place to go if you are looking for a beautiful coastal town. Here you can learn about ship and sea history in the local museums and aquarium. The museums have amazing exhibits and where families can buy souvenirs or go on boat tours.
New England states offer beautiful,enriching activities as well as travel destinations for families of every interest. There are many places to visit during the summer, or winter months in New England. These are just a few of the most popular places from each state.