As many of us know, fall Spirit Week is one of the most exciting times of the year for Pentucket students.
Run by Pentucket’s Student Council, Spirit Week (which happens to take place over two weeks) is chock full of fun themed dress up days, a spectacular homecoming dance, a home football game, and the infamous Spirit Night. Since Spirit Night is enjoyed annually by students, teachers, and parents alike, could there be a chance for Pentucket to also host a spring Spirit Week?
In the past, the idea of a spring Spirit Week had not existed. But, when talking with students and teachers at Pentucket, it seems like spring Spirit week is an idea that would be well liked throughout the student body. “I think it would be a good end-of-the-year event for everyone and I think students would like it since it would be new and exciting,” Sophomore Bella Martins said.
Junior Sarah Meisner thinks “March is the only month of the year where students actually lose all hope, because there’s no break, there’s nothing exciting, and every March I just feel [so depressed].”
Members of the staff also agree. Business teacher and Pentucket DECA advisor Ms. Hamilton believes, “It’s a long time to do nothing. We don’t have any vacations in March and [Spring Spirit Week] would be a great way to break up the month.”
On the other hand, some students think there is no point of a Spirit Week without some sort of big event to go with it.
Sarah argues how “the whole point of fall Spirit Week is leading up to the football game, so I’m not really sure what a spring Spirit Week would revolve around.”
Other students agree and think it is important for there to be an event to lead up to.
Potential new event ideas could be doing a field day/night outside since it will be warmer, or doing smaller events every day after school.
One of the most anticipated events of fall Spirit Week is the homecoming dance, and since Pentucket only had one full school dance last year, lots of students like the idea to implement a spring formal.
This would take place near the middle-end of spring Spirit Week, and would be a big event.
When asked if she thought the dance would be a good idea, Ms. Hamilton said, “I think that’d be fun and it would closely mimic what we do in the fall which is good because that’s what everyone is used to.”
Students seemed to have a great time at homecoming this year, since it’s the only social event of the school year people remember. The Spirit Week organizers hope to carry on those fun times with the possibility of a spring Spirit Week, which would not only bring so much to the whole community but also start a brand new tradition at Pentucket.