One of the most enjoyable holidays for kids is Halloween. It is one of the only times where kids have the green light to run around their neighborhoods, collecting as much candy as they want. The question is, what age is too old for trick or treating?
Teens are often stuck in an awkward stage in their lives, as they are constantly being told to “grow up”, or being told that they are “not old enough”. Soon, they will be tasked with many responsibilities, such as college, mortgages, and having their own careers to worry about. Teens will not be kids for much longer. So why not let them enjoy what little time they have left to have some harmless fun before they go off to college?
When asked what Coach Leary, the gym teacher here at Pentucket, thinks of the matter, he said, “I think 12 is the perfect age to stop, just before middle school.” This is the common opinion of most adults on the matter. However, another opinion for adults is that we teens lack social skills. Going out trick or treating helps promote social interactions with neighbors, as well as chatting with other kids that we see. For me, some of the only times that I get to talk with my neighbors is at their doorstep on Halloween. Also, trick or treating helps promote fun in a safe, innocent way. Going out trick or treating with your friends all night is much more safe than going to a Halloween party and being exposed to worse things.
Another common belief for adults is that little kids hate it when teenagers go out and trick or treat. However, after interviewing a 7th grader, that statement is not always true. For example, Xavier Powers, age 11, states, “No I actually like it when I see older kids trick or treating. It makes me feel safer. Especially when my big brother [Julien Powers] is trick or treating with me.”
While there are arguments for both sides, in my opinion trick or treating isn’t only for little kids. I believe that even high schoolers should be able to enjoy the fun as well. I think there shouldn’t really be a specific cutoff point for an age where people stop. That is why I believe that teens should try to trick or treat for as long as they can.