Tourism Tips

As winter break finally approaches us, now is the time for many people to think about vacation. For this little vacation, a few people are deciding to travel to some very exotic places, such as the rolling hills of the French Riviera.


No matter how far or where one might travel during this break, there is one thing one must always make sure of: Don’t Look Like a Stupid American Tourist! Not only does that bring shame to America, but it also makes a tourist at a higher for incidents such as robbery and mugging.


In order to prevent these misfortunes, your Pentucket classmates have created a checklist for young adventurers to keep in mind. The hope is that with these little reminders, you’ll be on your way to traveling success.



  1. Food

The biggest advice that can be given is that when you taste the local cuisine, don’t try to “American-ize” the dish. That means ixnay on ordering stuff on the side, asking for no this-or-that, or requesting ketchup. It’s a tell-tale sign that you’re an American, and it is also very rude to the chefs. Countries usually are very proud of their signature cooking, so it’s really a slap to the face when Americans think they can change centuries of culture with the wave of a hand.


A tourist should also remember to not only eat the local food, but also to eat the local food like a local. Take the example of chopsticks: If the common practice in an Asian country is to eat food using a chopstick, then do likewise and skip using the fork.



  1. Clothing

The next piece of advice can be given to a sightseer even if they are not American: don’t dress like the stereotypical tourist. Clothing associated with that stereotype includes cargo pants, white Nike sneakers, and a Hawaiian shirt. These are a big-no no.


The best way to dress is to blend in with the locals. Figure out such things like what the natives wear, or what the typical weather is. Ask yourself such questions as “Do people usually dress classier?” or “What is the common color palette?”.  Also, while traveling, buy articles of clothing from local boutiques so as to give a further appearance of camouflage.



  1. Manners

Just as with clothing, do research on what are the typical mannerisms of the people living in the country. For example, handshaking may not be considered proper etiquette and purely a Westerner thing.


Finally, the most important thing to remember is to not speak/behave loudly. Being overall loud is a generic convention about Americans. It might be better to lower your voice for the duration of the trip.


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