Specialized Senior Superlatives

Specialized Senior Superlatives


Senior Superlative
Nick Arcadipane Best dog rescue video
Ally Arnette Most likely to rip a hole in her tire
Arya Arsenault Class musician
Michael Arsenault Slimest Mike
Cammi Balentine Miss Independent
Brandon Barlow Most likely to wear a visor
Alyssa Bartula Class fireball
Willie Beard Most dadlike
Jaclyn Belanger Most likely to braid Emmy Maye’s hair in physics
Sam Beninati Fastest short legged person
Austin Bernard Best beanie
Gabby Bilodeau Most sassy
Maddie Binding Softball Queen
Colin Bode Most obsessed with history
Travis Bounsy Loudest
Ben Brackbill Coolest
Ethan Bridgewater Most likely to start playing tennis senior year
Chiara Campanella Prom queen
Sophie Capobianco Hardest last name to pronounce
Alison Carr Best dog
Sam Castle Best videographer
Gigi Cavanaugh Most likely to like your pictures on facebook
Brooke Chambers Weirdest eater
Cannon Chelmo Most likely to spill his coffee
Lucas Chory Second best Chory
Lauren Cook Most likely to have older twin sisters
Sam Coppola Running king
Maddie Cokery Most likely to move from Arizona
Hannah Cousins Most creatively dressed
Mike D’orsi Most likely to have Cristiano Ronaldo’s hair
Brandon Daniels Most likely to own a drone
Jessie Delano Most likely to lose against Bart in smash
Justice del Castilo Proudest vegan
Julia Delotto Most likely to work at the foodmart
Amber Demers Most likely to go to the fire station for community service day
Ryan Depaolo Class strawberry
Thomas Desantis Class teddy bear
Maria Desisto Most likely to play a sport with a stick
Emmy- Maye Desjardins Most likely to be babysitting
Will Dickson Most likely to wear a flannel and leather jacket
Kam Donovan Class goober
Grace Dore Class Serena Williams
Jack Drelick Man of many lookalikes
Tucker Dumas Most likely to wear a hat
Gary Dwyer Class Canadien
Reese Dwyer Class magician
Nicola Elardo Class trombonist
Troy Ellis Most likely to be doing crossfit
Tyler Evans Best sideburns
Drew Fenton Most likely to be in Boston
Sean Flannery Best smasher
Emma Formosi Coolest Hair
Krystal Garabedian Class pokemon enthusiast
Taylor Garrant Class cheerleader
Sarah Gaudet Class artsy person
Ryan Gavin Most likely to hold your hand
Olivia Giampietro Most excitable
Andrew Greenbaum Best Flow
David Greene Most Intellectual
Connor Haberland Most likely to be with Andrew Greenbaum
Liah Haginicolas Most likely to not care
Kiernan Haley Best Runningback
Olivia Hamilton Class Cool Aunt
Laura Hardenstine Class Mermaid
Zoe Hasham Most likely to milk a cow
Jennifer Hauss Class Conservative
Brianna Heaphy Most likely to be seen working at Kohl’s
Taylor Hebert Most likely to take NECCO classes
Jillian Hegarty Most likely to have coffee in the morning
Baileigh Henderson Most likely to be at Bagnall
Kevin Hendry Most likely to know fire safety
Nate Hey Most likely to run for selectman
Molly Hogan Disney Princess
Riley Holden Class Mom
Jon Holewinski Class Spontaneous Commenter
Ethan Hotain Class Rocky
Cheyenne Huberdeau Class Cheerleader
Beebe Jackson Most likely to wear her socks under her leggings
Meghan Jones Recently Braceless
Nicholas Jorge Most likely to wear a sleeveless shirt
Lindsey Karalias Best teacher impersonator
Olivia Kemper Most likely to not be here
Kylie Kennedy Class Rockette
Tiffany Kim Most likely to have a Mrs. CC awakening
Luke Kirmelewicz Most likely to be in the gym
Hannah Knittle Most likely to move to Ireland
Kyle Knox Hugest short guy
Jared Koen Most likely to have his last name mispronounced
Jacqueline Kutcher Class gymnast
Albert Lamar Future warped tour performer
Kara Linck Most changed by high school
Kyle Lingerman Class dog lover
Garrett Lischke Best dressed
Jennifer Lovett Most likely to have a relative teach here
Corie Lucier Class nice person
James Lussier Most likely to join percussion band
Noah Malhi Class rambler
Jordan Maysonet Biggest eyebrows
Benjamin McCarron Class trumpeter
Brennan McGuirk Ravioli King
Jackson McKean Class Golden Retriever
Katelin McSherry Class sweetheart
Nathaniel Malone Most likely to plow snow in the winter
Kyle Messier Dirtiest
Hallie Milne Class hurdler
Carolyn Modlish Most tan
Caroline Moolic Most likely to move to California
Taylor Moore Class baller
Emerald Moretti Most likely to have Starbucks
Alyssa Mostyn Most likely to love Betty Page
Derek Moynihan Class lumberjack
Colleen Mulholland Class blondie
Kelly Murray Class Keith Urban
Mitch Murray Class surfer
Nasrin Musa Most mysterious
Jennifer Nelson Class potter
Madelyn Nelson Track Princess
Kenny Niven Most likely to have a cohesive outfit (matching)
Madeleine O’Brien Tallest Maddie
Meghan O’Connor Best Mom
Nicole O’Rourke Groveland townie
Coltin Omasta Most likely to save the school in an apocalypse
Elizabeth Osborne Class baker
Greg Parachojuk Class skier
Angela Patriakeas Most likely to get her last name misspelled
Justin Peavey Most passionate
Carolyn Penney Most likely to play basketball well
Brielle Powers Most organized
Paige Proto Most likely to win a Grammy
Emily Queenan Most in touch with nature
Benjamin Quinn Most neutral
Joseph Raimondi Most likely to wear pajamas to schools
Julia Recine Best social skills
John Reinhold Most likely to escape the school out of a window
Brett Repke Most underrated classmate
Alyssa Richardson Best statement jewelry
Taryn Riley Class harmonizer
Spencer Roccapriore Class MLG
Molly Rollins Class hair color morpher
Sam Romano Class fashionista
Casey Saitow Class spinner
Erika Sanborn Best shoes
Kristina Sanborn Best smile
Ian Sands Least likely to complain
Adriana Santos Class video editor
Eric Sargent Most likely to have lights in his hat
Jacklyn Satkus Class archer
Josh Schulz Most against superlatives
Brendan Schwartz Most fearless
Anthony Scibilia Most likely to be Colin’s boy
Kyle Sedler Class Messi
Jacob Sevigny New kid on the block
Trevor Snow Snowiest
Tori Soucy Class pageant queen
Sarah Stewart Strongest legs
Harrison Swartz Best storyteller/graphic novelist
Emily Teague Most likely to be Mrs. Lees’ friend
Jillian Terry Most likely to be seen at Pub 97
Rachel Thibeau Most likely to have her hair in a braid
Ben Thornton Least likely to get in trouble with administration
Rebecca Torrisi Most likely to know any rap song
Hailey Vlass Powder pup
Erica Warne Closest (together w below)
Erica Warner Name ^^^
Bethany Weinberg Best dog impersonation
James Wengler Best at backflips
Shannon Wesley Talent show winner
Josh Wildes Best person you’ll ever meet
Cam Wolbach Most likely to get a 5 on the AP Spanish Exam
Yana Wood Class Russian
Courtney Zimmerman Class Napoleon Bonaparte