Frozen Chosen

Frozen Chosen

Jessica Kuznicki, Copy Editor

Christians in New England are often referred to as the “frozen chosen.” Frozen because, well, we’re New Englanders, a people known across the rest of the United States as being more reserved, stiff, cold, and not as openly friendly to strangers. However, if we do decide we like you then we’ll be your best friend for life. Chosen because we are part of God’s chosen people, set apart by Him to follow Him, and in doing so be a light in this dark world.

New England is considered the least devout when it comes to religion. According to Pew Research Center’s recent Religious Landscape Study, in the ranking of most religious states Massachusetts is tied with New Hampshire for 50th (or last) place. Massachusetts and New Hampshire are ranked least religious out of the whole United States.

In contrast, Mississippi and Alabama are number one when it comes to religion. Mississippi is located in America’s Bible Belt region, a part of the country where it’s considered odd if you don’t go to church on Sunday. In New England, the opposite is true. 23% of Massachusetts attends weekly worship services when 50% of Mississippi is in church on Sunday. 75% of Mississippi say they pray daily where only 37% of the population in Massachusetts say they pray daily. In Massachusetts, 40% say they believe in God and in Mississippi a whooping 82% are certain of God’s existence. Approximately one in five residents in the New England states report attending religious services, and approximately half or fewer say they are absolutely certain there is a God. Only the most devoted Christian’s faith survives in a place like Massachusetts where the faithful few have to fight societal norms in order to follow their God.

Although the study is looking at adults, it seems life for the students in school follow similar patterns. The majority of the students in the southern Bible Belt region are Christians where in New England that title only belongs to a select few. In the south, young Christian students are more open about their faith. They band together and pray at the flagpole after school and are more willing to say what they believe. In the north, most students are too terrified to even dare say the name of God aloud in a classroom setting. It’s like we’re tiptoeing around a big secret here and His name is Jesus. It’s not against the law to say it yet, so what in the world is holding us back from opening up and doing what we are called to do?

Encouragement for the frozen chosen in places like New England would be to keep on fighting the good fight and keep on keepin’ on by being a bright light in the darkest corner of America.

For more statistics about a state’s religious standing go to,