Pentucket Boys XC Wins Cape Ann League Championship

November 2, 2017
The Pentucket boys cross country sweeped the Cape Ann League Championships on Saturday, Oct 28.
Going into the championships, the Pentucket boys completed an undefeated season which the team has not seen since 2003. Pentucket took on some of the biggest, strongest, and toughest teams in the Cape Ann League, including Manchester-Essex, Masconomet, Newburyport, Amesbury, and Triton.
The championships were held at Bradley Palmer State Park in Hamilton, the home course of Masconomet. Pentucket’s varsity squad, consisting of sophomore Peter Lopata, captain and senior Nick Murphy, sophomore Sam Stys, sophomore David Gangemi, freshman Colin Costa, junior Anthony Accardi, and junior Will Coppola, won the boys varsity race with a score of 34 points. In second place, Triton with 62 points. Newburyport placed third as a team with 89 points, and Amesbury came in fourth with 103 points. Peter Lopata of Pentucket came in third place overall in the race with a time of 16:13.
The Pentucket JV boys squad won their race with a score of 28 points. The placing boys for the JV team were sophomore Keegan Comeau, who won the race with a time of 17:44, captain and senior Thomas Moura-Cook, senior Noah Elias-Guy, junior Jack Clohisy, senior Alec Krohto, senior Kyle Costello, and junior Veasey Jackson.
Pentucket was also the team on the top pedestal during the Championship Awards Ceremony. Pentucket brought in a sportsmanship award, a dual meet championship award, and coach Darrell Cox was awarded coach of the year.
Pentucket top runners will be moving on to the MIAA Divisional Meet and the MIAA All-State Meet in the coming weeks. As of now, they are the team to beat in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Courtesy: @realbenbeaulieu on Twitter