Stress Relievers

Ah, fourth quarter- the time of the year that calls for a daily attire of sweatpants and hair tied back in a ponytail. Things are in full swing now that the school year is coming to an end, either the SATs or MCAS are on your mind and you’re constantly stressing out about getting all of your work done.

Rachel Darke, a junior says that the stress she experiences from school is “ridiculous, but there’s not much you can do.”

However, keeping up with school doesn’t always have to be so difficult, and there are things students are surrounded by every day that could help impeccably if we just open up our eyes a little bit more.

Believe it or not, taking deep breaths have been proven to decrease stress. The rhythm of breathing in through your nose and exhaling through your mouth is a great way to calm yourself down when you feel like you can’t handle something.

Surrounding yourself with positive peers is also key. If you’re constantly hanging out with people who are judging you, what’s the fun in that? It is also proven that if you have upbeat, supportive people in your life, it can motivate you. Bring good energy in your life, and get rid of the bad.

Lastly, and I’m sure you’ve heard this one a million times: sleep. If you make sure you get atleast eight hours of sleep a night, it will reward you a ton the next day. People who get a good amount of sleep stay focused and are able to have a positive point of view during the day. Who wouldn’t want that?

Although school can be stressful, but just altering a few things in your life, you will see a great amount of change with how you feel.