Top 5 Worst States

Source: iStock
June 14, 2023
Out of all of America’s 50 states, there are bound to be some bad ones, with these five being some of the worst.
5. Nebraska – If there was one word to describe Nebraska, it would be boring. 92 percent of Nebraska’s land is farmland, the highest percentage in the entire country. Unless you really enjoy looking at corn, this state will bore you to tears. One of the first things you’ll find when you look up interesting things about Nebraska is that Kool-Aid is from there, showing just how little it has going for it.
4. Arizona – While this state does not lack interesting sights and sounds, all of that is negated by the heat. Arizona does have the beautiful Grand Canyon, but you also have to worry about your shoes melting into the ground during the summer. Unlike the South, Arizona does not have any coastline or other bodies of water to offset the heat. With Phoenix’s average July temperature being 105 degrees Fahrenheit, make sure to not leave babies in cars here.
3. North Dakota – North Dakota is just as boring as Nebraska, yet it is even worse because of the cold. North Dakota is the second coldest state behind Alaska, with none of the beautiful landscapes that Alaska contains. At least its neighbor South Dakota has Mount Rushmore, while North Dakota has nothing. When looking up the most interesting thing about North Dakota, you would find that the world’s biggest burger was eaten there. Wow.
2. Louisiana – Louisiana is here because it has the highest crime rate in the entire country. Yet despite this, none of its cities are in the top ten for the worst crime rates. What this basically means is that there is no concentration of crime you can avoid in Louisiana and that nowhere is safe. Also, New Orleans will probably be underwater in 50 years.
1. Mississippi – Mississippi is the poorest state and the second worst educated in the nation, while also having a fairly high crime rate. However, the main reason they take this spot is because of the flag that was changed in 2020.

While the flag has been changed to a much better design, the fact that Mississippi was officially represented by a Confederate flag so recently speaks volumes about the state’s character.
While the exact rankings can differ from person to person, these five states are inarguably some of the worst.
Peter Hart • Jan 20, 2024 at 6:25 pm
I think that this list is very coordinated with good reasoning. However, I would like to place Alaska because of how far away it is from the rest of the United States and how cold it is there. I would not want to live there out of all of the United States.
John l • Jul 18, 2023 at 7:47 am
The only valid reasoning in this article are the crime statistics. The rest is subjective at best
Mississippi rebel 1 • Jul 13, 2023 at 10:33 am
Yal gotta be some stupid people hear yell or worrying about a harmless flag but you’re pretty much lit a murder suspect go escape from the jail in warren county if you would’ve paid more attention to your job and worry about what you should be worried about he would’ve never got away but yo simple minded fools want to worry about what you shouldn’t be worried about and not what you should be worried about days when we don’t need people like y’all run in this d*** country yal are a joke. Now the reward for this guy is $20,000 is that dead or alive or just dead how do you job for you I don’t mind somebody’s got two with a little bit of knowledge and y’all go to school and still can’t do your d*** job
J.r. • Jul 6, 2023 at 4:10 pm
You can take your so-called”opinion” an stick it in your b***!
Kathy • Jul 6, 2023 at 2:14 pm
I love country sides and wide open spaces. I don’t need to be entertained nor do I care for all the drama of exciting places to go which her high ratings. I’m a Mississippi born and reared and proud of it. The summers get very hot and he humidity sucks are my only complaints.
Jnunyo • Jul 5, 2023 at 8:39 pm
That was a lame review. Obviously the author is biased. I could think of many states worse than Arizona for one. Also, every state that he listed is a red state. For example, I think Ohio is a pretty lame state and has a high rate of heroin use in homelessness. I do agree with him about Nebraska and North Dakota. Those states are straight boring. North Dakota, especially it has so much snow and you can’t have any fun in the snow there you can’t snowboard.
Julia • Jul 5, 2023 at 3:55 pm
MS is a great state to live! The state gets a lot of ignorant people saying bad things about it, but truth be told, those people have never even been to MS. I have traveled the world and visited many other states, but I would not live anywhere but MS!
Steve • Jul 5, 2023 at 2:39 pm
You must have spent at least 30 minutes on the internet researching this garbage article. You want lousy states? Go drive around Los Angeles, Detroit, Chicago or New York. There’s more undesirable and downright dangerous places in any of those that make sitting by a peaceful cornfield or at a backyard cookout in MS a great experience. Want excitement, go to a baseball game at Dudy Noble Field in Starkville MS. You’ll gain new perspective.
Sonya Jordan • Jul 5, 2023 at 1:49 pm
If this ranking keeps fools like you out then that’s one positive step for Mississippi.
Sharon ( Okolona, MS ) • Jul 5, 2023 at 12:40 pm
I love my state of Mississippi. It’s where a lot of us where born in the South like from my grandparents to my two born kids. I know that it’s known drastically for its heritage….great deal of slavery til still now a lot of prejudice. It’s a little better and I’ll take that. I’m not running from Mississippi cause it’s my HOME!!! Crime is everywhere not just here. There’s several states worse than Mississippi. I’ll go visit any state but Mississippi is where my heart is!! It’s also a friendly state full of lovable peoples.
Gregory Mullins • Jul 5, 2023 at 9:30 am
I live here too . You don’t know the people here . They are some of the nicest folks . I love it ❤️❤️
Howie(Wowie) • Jul 5, 2023 at 8:54 am
Jerry Clower and the Ledbetters love Yazoo City Mississippi so did we lol and didn’t live there ?
Sue Wilks • Jul 5, 2023 at 8:23 am
I live in Mississippi by choice. Just because it is the poorest state, that should not automatically make it the worst. It is a beautiful state with wonderful people!
Donna Smith • Jul 4, 2023 at 10:15 pm
This whole article is s*****. 105 degrees in Arizona is 105 degrees of dry heat…people with respiratory problems do much better in Arizona than they would in Alabama in 105 degrees. In the south, blistering heat means suffocation for many from the humidity. We all have to be vigilant with our children in hot cars. It is same in every state, country, continent. I didn’t bother to read the rest of this journalism squalor. Is this the best that you can report??? This article reminded me of a basic book report or article critique where the student either didn’t read the material, or tried to watch the movie, etc., rendering an introductory paragraph with 5 points, followed by 6 paragraphs explaining their shallow points with a closing paragraph . It was a waste of my time.
Ron • Jun 21, 2023 at 2:46 pm
There are very educated people all over the country from Mississippi. So least educated is false. There are students in major metropolitan areas who have so much to choose from and, yet, are very uneducated. Mississippi is not as segregated or as racist as most major cities. There are neighborhoods in most major cities that one certain people can walk in without being harassed or possibly murdered. And do not confuse government with good people. If you look at how government is run in Mississippi, then you think that you know, but that says very little about the hardworking people of every race that live in the state. So, unless you have lived in Mississippi or most of the states mentioned in this article, you are likely being very immature and biased.
Nancy Haggard • Jun 20, 2023 at 5:45 pm
I’m sorry the writer hasn’t experienced our four lovely distinct ever-changing seasons. We grow a fine variety of delicious fruits, fresh veggies, and fresh meat and seafood. We have lovely old cities and beautiful streams, lakes, and rivers. We enjoy remote forestlands, beautiful fun gulf coast towns and beaches. Driving through our rich delta land is a beautiful unique wonder during planting, growing, and harvest times. I’ve chopped and picked cotton, hand fertilized corn from a bucket on my hip, hand and machine milked cows. I’m blessed to have grown up on a small MS farm with hardworking loving Christian parents, relatives, and neighbors. I’ve visited all 50 states and enjoyed seeing the beautiful sites and nice people, but I love coming home to my MS!
Johnny Garrison • Jun 19, 2023 at 6:34 pm
I was born and raised and raised my family and they are raising their families here. I’ve been all over the U S. And would not consider anywhere
Johnny G
R. Moore • Jun 19, 2023 at 12:28 am
Republicans in Congress have held the state of Mississippi back for far too long. Congressional districts are gerrymander, it would take 50 years or more before things change.
Bridgette • Jun 17, 2023 at 2:57 pm
I live in Mississippi and the flag means rebel for a large portion of folks. Its a great state to live in .
Jan • Jun 17, 2023 at 9:10 am
Retired to the family home place here in South Mississippi. Would not want to live anywhere else.
JC Stringer • Jun 17, 2023 at 3:37 am
I wonder if this ‘noted’ author has even been in any of these states. Being born in Louisiana and a resident of Mississippi for 45 years i am positive this guy’s writing is just filler material. Louisiana has some of the most beautiful places you can’t find anywhere else, and Mississippi are advancing every day. We are sorry if we are not all CEOs and our education is not to your standards.
By the way, don’t talk about Nebraska with your mouth full of food.
Mike • Jun 16, 2023 at 4:04 pm
Those statements about Mississippi are completely false.I am from Mississippi for us to be so uneducated there’s a lot of industrial companies moving here and we are supporting them in their mechanical and electronics for their equipment you people that make this stuff up need to get your facts straight
Marue • Jun 15, 2023 at 7:01 pm
I agree with Tim, you have to live in Mississippi to appreciate it. We are nothing like all the movies try to make us look. I live my home State!
Shakita Tribble • Jun 15, 2023 at 5:04 pm
This article is very biased, and it’s quite obvious that the author hasn’t done his research on the 10 most dangerous cities in America. Crime statistics released in May 2023 listed New Orleans among the 10 most dangerous cities in America. Memphis & New Orleans were the only 2 southern cities on that list.
Harry • Jun 15, 2023 at 2:35 pm
How can you be so judgmental? Have you visited our state? I live here by choice, not chance of birth, and love the area. A native of South Florida, I moved years ago and do not wish to return to live. Mississippi is a well kept secret and a great place to live in harmony with nature and friendly folks, and history. Consider a visit, you might be pleasantly surprised!
Bev • Jun 15, 2023 at 7:51 am
You don’t know anything about Mississippi!
Tim (ICE) • Jun 15, 2023 at 6:47 am
You just have to be born in Mississippi to appreciate it i would not live no other place
Jackie • Jun 15, 2023 at 8:41 am
Mississippi is a beautiful state with some of the country’s best people. While we may have the poorest population we also have the most generous people. I am very proud to be a native Mississippian!
J E (EVON) Smith • Jun 16, 2023 at 4:45 pm
People that down Mississippi have never lived or visited here Without a Doubt the best state in America TRY US OUT BEFORE YOU OPEN YOUR CRITICIZING !!!!!!!!
James Winter • Jun 19, 2023 at 7:06 pm
I agree that you have to be born and raised in Mississippi, people who work steady jobs have done quite well for themselves, I have traveled in all50 states, lived In China 5 months, worked in Mexico and retired from my job after 42 years. I could live anywhere in the USA I want to, but I chose to live in this very friendly, safe and less expensive state.
Stephen Paoletti • Jul 7, 2023 at 7:58 pm
I was son of an Air Force Master sergeant. We moved to Miss in 1972! Yes Miss is poor and they had a troubled past. PAST moron. If all you have to do is put folks down go crawl back under your rock. My wife and I are coming to your state soon. Let’s hope the rest of the folks there are better than your dumbass! I served 25 years in this country defending isiots like you. You criticize Miss and a lot of people that live here are not from here and we love it. So you are targeting us as well. Did you serve your country dummy? Crawl back into your hole and think of other things your dumbass can write about. No one cares what you think. The GREAT state of Miss lives on moron!
Sugar and spice • Jul 7, 2023 at 9:29 pm
I love ❤️ my Mississippi no place like it
Peggy Walters • Jun 15, 2023 at 12:51 pm
Amen to both of those comments! You just have to be born here (or live here) to appreciate Mississippi. And most people are willing to give to others, help others and love our “neighbors” no matter what color they happen to be!!
Paulette • Jun 15, 2023 at 5:55 pm
I’ve lived in Texas, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, and now, Mississippi. Mississippi is the prettiest place by far. Lots of lakes and natural elements. The education system in central Mississippi is top notch, having schools with academically “excellent” ratings. The writer of this article is offended by a flag that no longer exists. That says more about him/her than The State of Mississippi.
Chase B • Jun 14, 2023 at 10:35 pm
I’m from Ms and I totally agree with you on the flag. They should of left our flag alone! It’s all just politically motivated, which sucks! I still fly my confederate flag.