Four Years Later

As fourth quarter winds down and is coming to a close, many are excited to their summers to begin. Underclassmen look forward to their summer break and then to return in August to a whole new school year. For many seniors, the end of the summer is another destination waiting for them other than another year of high school.

Depending on what each senior decides they want to do after high school, the emotions of graduating vary greatly.

The president of the graduating class, Davis Jackson explained, “I am going to miss the people, even those I’m not friends with. For some, I’ve been going to school with them for 13 years and soon I will have to go meet new friends in the real world.”

Graduating senior Amy Mcdonnel said, “I am going to miss the high school sports. Other than that pretty much nothing.”

For some seniors, there is a mix of emotions that leaves them split. Senior Jared Shepard said, “I am excited to move on to college and happy to be out of high school, but I really enjoy my group of friends right now so it’s going to suck to get split up.”

Pentucket Senior Nolan Bridgewater says, “I’m very excited to graduate and start a new chapter in my life. I am going to miss all of the people I grew up with but I am looking forward to summer and hanging out with everyone.”

Senior Dan Imperioso explained, “High school was the bee’s knees. Ned’s declassified helped me out a lot. I would not be anywhere without it.” He advised later, “Value friendships, friendships are what’s key up in dis habitat.”

Many seniors, although torn about their high school career coming to a close, decided to give feedback and some guiding words to underclassmen.

Jackson explained, “Looking back, you really gotta go out of your comfort zone, once I went out of it high school got much better. Don’t hold anything back.”

Senior Alden Slack said, “It gets better every year and changes every year. I’m excited to leave and it was good, but I’m going on to better things.”

Whether their future includes going to college or getting a job, most of us will soon discover how hard it will be to achieve whatever goals seniors have set for themselves. Regardless of how a senior feels about leaving, it will still be tough. Some will have it easier than others, but from this point on, life will definitely get tougher for all of us.