Photography was something introduced to me two years ago now. I never thought anything would truly come of it or that it would have much of an impact on my life. However, over time, and as I became more involved in the hobby, I realized it is both a way in as well as an escape.
When I say it has become a way in, I mean that it has forced me to become more involved primarily at school. I was never one to go to sporting events or dances. They always just seemed boring and like a waste of time to me. That was until I thought about it differently. I had this realization that I could go to the events but while doing something I enjoy. Going to these events and games to take photos has helped me build connections with various people as I typically share the photos to the people in them. Seeing the reactions from others has made it extremely worth it.
An escape. what I mean by this is that photography has given me a creative outlet that allows me to focus solely on taking pictures and not worry about anything else I have going on. This is not only the case when I take pictures for school, but also when I am having a rough day and I grab my camera bag, go for a drive, and find somewhere new to photograph. These moments are when I am most at peace and truly live in that exact moment.
Overall, I am beyond grateful that photography was introduced to me and something I have stuck with as it has changed me for the better.
Here are some of my favorite photos from this year: