
“There are no specific groups of people or words to define someone. Everyone is equal to each other, that’s why it [equality] is circled.”
-Pentucket Junior, Rebecca Torrisi
“All three topics (Feminism, Gay Rights, Gender Neutrality) call for the same common denominator, which is equality and being treated equally.”
-Pentucket Junior, Ryan DePaolo

When shown the prompt above, Pentucket Senior Ashley Magee said, “Feminism, Gay Rights, and Gender Neutrality all come down to the same thing: equality. We are all the same; we are all people, [and] we are all equal.” This is the truth of the matter that many people struggle to see.

To many, Feminism seems to be the biggest issue; others see Gay Rights as being the most important issue to be addressed by society. Pentucket Junior, Kelly Murray, hit this home when she said, “I think that it is all still a huge problem in society: labeling people on what they are rather than who they are. Although not yet, I am hopeful that we will one day reach equality.” All of these groups fight for equality, and it is a battle that they each fight differently, yet, the same.

Feminism, Gay RIghts, Gender neutrality, and all other “equal rights” causes are not, in of themselves, equality. If one really were to advocate for equality, they would not single out a group to make equal, or an issue more important than others. True equality is the concept that all people are equal regardless of their sexual orientation, ethnicity, and social tendencies. Beebe Jackson, a Pentucket Junior said, “Labeling things a certain way justifies that they are different, when, in fact, all of these problems reference to one problem, equality of all people.” Addressing the injustices people face in this way would greatly progress humanity towards equality.
These causes are supported by many worldwide due to the violation of basic human rights, typically associated with each cause. The problem with each of these, however, is much the same as the next, and is exemplified in the following question: Does supporting a single cause help promote equality? No, it does not. If one seeks to support equality, affiliating with and labeling a group as being different in of itself promotes further injustices for everyone involved.

The other downside to these separate equal rights movements, is the bad rap they receive. In typical ‘one person ruins it for the group’ fashion, extremists and people who are not actually looking for equal rights tend to make people avoid these movements. There are many people who have disdain for one group or another because all they hear about the group is about these extreme individuals. For example, Feminism is often connected directly to those who hate men and try to denounce or degrade them in any way possible, which averts many men and women who would otherwise support Feminism.

The result of the bad rap received by many movements is that fewer people acknowledge and are willing to address the injustices faced by their fellow men and women. Feminism, Gay Rights, and Gender Neutrality, among countless other equal rights movements are how they are viewed, and so this really detracts from the true purpose of all equal rights movements.

That’s not to say Feminism, Gay Rights, or Gender Neutrality are bad in any way, all of the causes in their base forms are just and necessary. The current approach to equality, however, is a big issue as it simply damages the social structure further, rather than healing it. Were people to stop labeling the injustices done to men, women, people of different ethnicities, etc, then the world would be one step closer to equality. The very act of supporting one cause is to neglect all others, as it then appears that the others are less important.

The issues faced by each group are all just a different symptom of the same flu: the injustices faced by people around the world are the symptom, while the flu is inequality. In order to get rid of the flu entirely, then one should not try to get rid of just one strain as the others will just become more of a problem. Instead, get rid of the cause of the flu. Removing the labels placed on each group and just considering them to all be people that have been wronged is a huge step towards making each person equal. Once the labels are no longer wearing away at each person’s equality, addressing the injustices done unto people worldwide becomes possible. The issues faced by each group are similar in many ways so without the label placed on them, they can remedy the issue at it’s source.

When Pentucket Junior, Rachel Thibeau, was shown the prompt she said, “This is very powerful; people nowadays think of these things as separate issues, but they aren’t. Emma Watson makes this clear in [her] UN speech, that equality is not just for one group of people; it’s for everyone. I think this is a very clear representation of what so many people are fighting for. It’s all the same battle.”

When each person is truly considered equal and considers others equal, then the injustices done unto themselves and others will begin to melt away. Issues such as rape, prejudice, and persecution of minorities will become less and less common as people come to see one another as equals. Pay inequality will cease to be an issue, as will the persecution of those who identify with a different sexuality or gender. If the people in this world come to see one another as they see themselves: as complete human beings, regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation, then equality is possible. True equality will come when prejudices fade away, when gender and race cease to be a barrier, and when everybody looks out for one another because they are all fundamentally different versions of the same human being.

Pentucket English Teacher Mrs. Ducolon said, “…I do think we need to pay attention to issues like these in order to get to the ultimate goal of equality for all humans.” Considering all of this, I conclude that: all of these issues are very important in order to obtain equality as each addresses a huge injustice against humanity, but nobody should be labeled. Equality should be the same for all. I believe in Equalism. I believe in Equality. I am an Equalist.