Herm Diehl: A man of many Stories

November 30, 2016
Herman “Hermie” Diehl goes through life telling stories and trying to brighten everyone’s day. He is a very smart man with a great deal of insight. Diehl has a favorite quote he tells people. The quote is, “wherever you are, be there.” Diehl explains that this quote has a very similar meaning to the quote: “seize the day.”
In his younger life, Diehl grew up constantly moving from house to house. In fact, he went to 19 different schools before he graduated from high school. Diehl learned how to be the new kid, and how to fit in wherever he went by making every situation he was in fun and interesting. He described how on his first day when everyone had to put covers on their books, he would go up to the prettiest girl and ask for help with putting on the cover saying, “I’m new here, can you help me put this cover on my book?”
After high school, Diehl enrolled in the University of Maine, but says he was “immature, distracted, and not a great student. Diehl then put his college career on pause and enlisted in the United States Army.
He took his time in the army to grow up for a little bit. Herm went on active duty in February 1956 and served 2 years. After that, he went on the reserves for the next 4 years. Diehl did not serve in combat as the US was in the Cold War at the time, but he took his 6 years in the Army as a great life experience and time to mature and grow up.
Diehl described his time in the army as the time of his life. He described how he met some of his best friends in the army, and even met his wife.
After the army, he says he went back to UMaine to finish his college career. After college, he spent his years doing a couple different jobs including being a teacher at Pentucket High School for 34 years. Diehl now spends his time retired at Nichols Village in Groveland Massachusetts, and still loves telling stories to whoever is willing to listen.
Tricia • Nov 4, 2022 at 7:02 pm
I knew Herm from Nichols Village, i cared for one of his friends. We spent time in his unit listening to his intrtesting stories and laughing. He will be dearly missed.
Ms. Costello • Nov 3, 2022 at 9:09 am
Mr. Deihl was one of the happiest people I’ve ever met. He was a veteran teacher when I was just a rookie. Not only did he always have a story, but he encouraged students to become storytellers too. He would assign students to watch and episode of “Antiques Roadshow” and choose an item showcased in the episode and then have them write a fictional story about the history of the item. The kids enjoyed the creativity of the assignment and he enjoyed reading the stories.
Rest in peace Herm.
David Morris • Dec 27, 2021 at 8:42 am
I am not sure if this is the same gentleman who taught the world war 2 class I attented, at Pentucket Regional H. S.
The write up says he was in the Army in 1976, and I was at PRHS until 1977(Graduation).
Maybe I took that course in 1975, I do not recall. Anytime I am confronted with my ongoing interest in the events of the 1940’s. I always think of “Mr. Diehl”.
Thanks- D.P. Morris(Formerly of West Newbury, MA.)
Kathryn Lowell • Nov 2, 2022 at 6:55 pm
Hi there David,
I am Kathryn Lowell, Mr. Diehl’s granddaughter. From my understanding, Pop joined the U.S. Army in 1956, not ’76. This is just a misprint in the article, and he most definitely taught various history courses at Pentucket at the time you would have attended. Pop always enjoyed his students and never failed to tell me how much teaching meant to me. He just recently passed away on October 31, 2022. We are currently arranging the details of his memorial service. I just happened to come across this article while doing a bit of record keeping, and both it and your comment brought a smile to my face. Thank you for remembering him, and for keeping his memory alive.
Best, Kathryn
Jack Fahey • Nov 2, 2022 at 8:03 pm
Hi Ms. Lowell,
I’m one of the student editors for the paper, and the misprint has been fixed. Thank you for commenting, and I am sorry to hear about your loss. I’m glad this article and Mr. David Morris’ comment were able to make you smile during this time.