A (Modern) Royal Wedding



Did you forget about the Royal Family of England?  Recent excitement in the British community and beyond has stemmed from Prince Harry, youngest grandson of Queen Elizabeth of England, who was happily engaged on Monday, November 27th.  


Prince Harry asked American actress Meghan Markle for her hand in marriage in front of the Kensington Palace, according to The New York Times.  Markle received a ring designed by the Prince himself, which includes diamonds that belonged to his late mother, Princess Diana. The couple has already begun plans for a spring wedding in May.  


However, this wedding will not be quite as conventional as his popular brother Prince William’s was, due to the fact that Markle has previously been married.  This second marriage following a divorce is unorthodox for a British Royalty love story.  Previous attempts in the history of the monarchy to marry a divorced lover have failed due to disapproving family members, and have ultimately ended in an inevitable break-up.  It is clear that Prince Harry and his fiance are set out to change these traditions.  


The couple is further breaking away from stereotypes the monarchy has held for centuries.  Markle’s father is white but her mother is African-American, which further undermines the conservative tradition that has long existed within the Royal Family.  This marriage could benefit the entire country of England, as the new couple is setting an example for an accepting future.  Many also believe having an American in British Royalty could be beneficial to international relations between the two countries.  


While it is easy to get caught up the fresh excitement with the fascinating Royal Family, it is important to acknowledge that this does not mean the couple will become King and Queen anytime soon, as Prince Harry is 5th in line for the throne behind his father, brother, niece, and nephew.  


The engagement and wedding itself, however, will provide the country of England and those across the globe with joy for the newlyweds, and will be a break in the news from the economic and political issues the British government is currently faced with.