Pentucket Boys XC Competes in State Championships

December 1, 2017
All season, the Pentucket boys cross country team won every race they competed in. However, on Saturday, Nov 18, the Sachems finished in a close second to Parker Charter at the MIAA All States Championship meet. The Sachems came in second place as a team overall to Parker Charter High School. The score was 90-95.
Leading the way for the Sachems was sophomore Peter Lopata. He came in 12th place with a time of 16:36.64. Sophomore Sam Stys finished 16th, senior and captain Nick Murphy in 23rd, sophomore David Gangemi in 39th, junior Will Coppola in 59th, freshman Colin Costa in 60th, and junior Anthony Accardi in 75th.
Overall, Pentucket coach Darrell Cox was very impressed by the work of his top seven squad. Although achieving second place was a good wrap to the season, there was a bittersweet feeling of an undefeated season ending, especially since the Sachems were so close to being state champions.
As for this cross country season, the Pentucket boys are taking it indoors for the winter, but they are looking to expand and outperform next fall.
Luke Kreuser • Dec 13, 2017 at 11:20 pm
I am very impressed by the cross-country teams ability to win every single meet, and go undefeated throughout the entire season. Their work ethic and their teamwork allowed themselves to get better as the season progresses. Although they did not come in first, they fought a very well-fought battle against the opposing State Champion. Hopefully the team can win it next year.
Matthew Maloney • Dec 13, 2017 at 4:53 pm
Great article Ben! It was awesome to see so many Pentucket runners absolutely kill it this season. It’s tough to see that the Championship was lost by only five points, but it was an outstanding effort nonetheless. It’s a great way for the seniors this year to leave, but with all the promising young guys next year, I’m sure the Championship will be yours the taking.
Alexa Berkeley • Dec 13, 2017 at 11:07 am
Watching the boys crush their competition at all of their meets was exhilarating. They finished off the season with no losses. Becoming second place state Champaign’s was one of the most impressive accomplishments all year. Their compassion as a team is what every team should strive for.
James smith • Dec 13, 2017 at 8:49 am
This article is really informative. I might join cross country next year because of this article it seems like a lot of fun. Keep writing these informative articles ben and keep up the good work.
Jimmy smith
Parker Watts • Dec 8, 2017 at 8:52 am
I need to congratulate the top runners of the cross country team for such a spectacular season. An entire undefeated season is an amazing turn out for the team. I am honored to have been able to run with these guys and I wish them luck next fall. With hard work they can definetly make state champions… Big facts.
Nick • Dec 8, 2017 at 8:44 am
Great article, nice to see the accomplishments of our school. Nice job boys xc!
Hunter Huberdeau • Dec 7, 2017 at 10:19 pm
Winning every regular season meet is impressive and when the opposing team was a fair competitor hearing we won at the end of the race felt amazing. The top 10 runners did an amazing job the whole season and I’m glad I was apart of the team. Next years article will be titled “Pentucket Boys XC Win State Championships (Lead by Ben Beaulieu).”
Fiona Hill • Dec 6, 2017 at 9:56 pm
Wow, you guys did awesome! Despite the loss, it seems that the athletes tried their hardest to win. The team has promising athletes to bring them back to the All States championship next year, so I wish them luck!
Rachael Drislane • Dec 5, 2017 at 3:24 pm
After reading this article I am very impressed with our school’s boy XC team. Although they were not state champions, they still have much to be proud of.
Kyle Costello • Dec 4, 2017 at 1:11 pm
I just want to say how impressed I am at the top seven runners and the rest of the cross country team. It is an amazing accomplishment to have an undefeated season and a team that is so close to winning in all states. From the top seven runners to everyone in between, everyone pushed each other to be the best they could be. I will miss running Cross Country at Pentucket very much, and I wish the team the best of luck next year.
Jason Porter • Dec 4, 2017 at 10:47 am
Congratulations boys xc team, it’s nice to see some notoriety to go with the success.