End to Child Poverty: Compassion’s Mission


(Photo Source: https://blog.compassion.com)


Many don’t realize over one billion children are living in poverty. This is almost 13 percent of the world population. As a part of society, it’s our job to change this. One way to do so to by partnering with Compassion.

Compassion is a Christian based organization that funds children internationally. Their main program works by pairing an American sponsor to an impoverished child ranging from ages 1 to 22.

Sponsors make monthly donations from 38 to 45 USD. This money supports six areas of a child’s life: education, medical care, vocational training, religious opportunities, relationships, and personal connection between them and their sponsor.

In addition to sending donations, sponsors also regularly write to the child they are funding. Sponsors send letters through the Compassion website and then receive them handwritten by the child in their monthly notice. All these entries are translated for the child as well as the sponsor.

One sponsor participating in the program stated, “I love the opportunity our family is given to impact the life of a child in need.” This individual is currently sponsoring a child in Africa and greatly praises the program.

She has been involved in Compassion since the summer of 2018 when invited to join by partnering organizations at a religious-based gathering. Since then, the individual has received one letter from the child she sponsors which highlighted the child’s thankfulness towards her and her family.

This sponsor highly advocates for the programs and says nobody should pass up this “life-changing opportunity”.

The organization stresses the lives saved and the global impact made by sponsors. According to Compassion’s database, their program has helped 1.9 million children globally escape poverty through roughly 7,000 church partners. This has enrolled over 45,000 young adults into university or vocational training in addition to conducting 8,362 critical inventions with individuals in life-threatening conditions.

Even when a sponsor is not available for a child enrolled in Compassion, resources are still provided. The organization states, “Every child who registers with Compassion has a safe place to learn, play and connect with other children and caring Christian adults, even while they wait for a sponsor.”

Currently, Compassion is serving children from Africa, Asia, South America, the Caribbean, and Central America. Out of these areas, Peru, Togo, and Honduras are the three most prominent countries in need of adoption.

The organization is reaching out to those who would be interested in sponsoring a child. To find more information on the program and other ways to help, visit Compassion’s webpage.