How Students Feel About Vaccines

Photo Source: Anna Shvets from Pexels

Photo Source: Anna Shvets from Pexels

After a long year of uncertainty and stress, Covid vaccines are out. This is very exciting for many people, as many have been waiting for a return to normalcy. On the other hand, however, many people are against this vaccine and do not want to get it. This could be for many reasons such as fear, religion, or personal beliefs. 

The views that students in our own community have on their willingness to get vaccinated vary greatly. To get an idea of how these students feel and whether or not they intend on getting the vaccine, eligible students took a survey. Out of the sixty five students who are over the age of sixteen that took this survey, 30.8 percent are already fully vaccinated. Another 29.2 percent have had their first dose. The last 40 percent has not been vaccinated yet. However, this doesn’t mean that they will not be at some point.

Photo Source: Emma Fandel

46 percent of students voted that they do, in fact, plan on getting fully vaccinated. 16.9 percent of students voted the opposite, saying that they do not intend on doing this. The other results include a few maybes and those who have already gone through with the vaccination. 

Photo Source: Emma Fandel

There are many reasons that students choose to get the vaccine. Most responses included reasons such as getting it for job or college requirements. 

Hannah Linehan, a Pentucket junior who works at Nichols’ Village, says she felt really grateful to have been able to get the vaccine as early as she did. She stated, “I was quick to say ‘yes’ to getting vaccinated because I believe that is the only way we are going to be able to return back to ‘normal’ life.”

Similarly, Abby Cain, a senior, was able to get her vaccination because of her job. She noted, “As a hostess and server at a local restaurant, I was placed in an environment where most people do not wear their masks and I was put at risk of possibly getting Covid. It felt better knowing I was able to protect myself and my family from getting sick.” She also mentioned that it is going to make going to college in the fall a lot more safe and enjoyable.

Anna Tateosian, a sophmore, was “eager to get the vaccine.” She is at a high risk because she works in a grocery store, while having  T1D, an autoimmune disease. She wrote, “I still make sure I always have a mask on and wash my hands regularly, but knowing I have this extra safety net [vaccination] makes me feel more comfortable about going into work.”

Other responses showed that students’ feelings greatly revolve around others. One student claims, “I am not super worried about myself, but I do not want to hurt the people around me.”

Many others mentioned that having the vaccine would make them feel safer and more at ease. 

Nathan Oliphant, who at the time of writing this received his first dose of the vaccine, says, “I want it for my own safety. I also want to help be part of the population that pushes for herd immunity […] If getting the vaccine means that I might be able to eventually go back to living a normal life, then I am getting it.”

Although many students are very excited to receive the vaccine, there are still many that do not agree. Charles Walsh does not plan on getting the vaccine because “it kills people.” He stated, “I have already had COVID, so I am immune.” He thinks that it is “completely illogical” that after 90 days his body will no longer recognize the virus. 

Karen Riley also does not plan on getting vaccinated because she does not trust it. However, she feels that it is dumb that you cannot do certain things if you are not vaccinated. She wrote, “I feel like people who get [the vaccine] and the people who are telling [other] people to get it are legit forcing everyone and putting a pressure on [others] for no reason.” 

Troy Bockman thought similarly at first. He stated, “I do not wanna get [the vaccine] if it is being shoved in my face like this.” He claims that some of the promotions made him uncomfortable and certain ones turned him away from the idea of vaccination. However, he came around and ended up getting vaccinated. He said, “I got [the vaccine] and now I feel fine. I am glad that I am safer against COVID because I realized the long term effects of COVID are worse than the possible side effects of the vaccine.”

Some people may just be waiting a bit longer, like one anonymous student who stated, “I want to see how it affects others first before I get it. Once I see how it could affect me, I will be happy to get one.” 

Joseph McCandless says, “I am only putting it off because I do not want to wait several weeks after I sign up.” He was not the only one to have an answer like this.

Clearly the students of Pentucket have different views on the situation. It will be interesting to see if views change, along with the percentages as more information comes out and more vaccines are distributed.