What to Get People for Christmas


  • Jewelry
    • Think versatile so she can wear it all the time
    • try a necklace with your family’s birthstones in it
  • A cozy sweater
    • nice and warm but not too itchy!
  • A picture of your family for somewhere in the house
  • A fashionable, not too expensive mug
    • Like one for when she makes her coffee at home and has to take it on the go.
    • A gift card to Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks
  • Create a memory book of pictures from the past to present
  • Something that goes along with her job.
    • Like if your mom is a teacher, give her tons of pencils and paper and fun correcting pens
  • A gift card to her favorite store
  • Books if she likes to read or a gift card to a bookstore



  • A mug for his every day morning coffee
    • Try making it personal with pictures of him and the family
  • A t-shirt with something on it that he loves
  • Anything sports related
    • tickets to see his favorite team play
    • a hat with his favorite team on it
    • a tshirt with his favorite team
  • A coffee gift card to a place like Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks
  • A fun items like a toy helicopter, golf clubs, cologne, tools if he likes to fix or build things, or even video games if he is a fanatic with playing fun video games



  • Anything revolving a sport he may play
    • New baseball glove, basketball shoes, a bat, cleats, soccer ball, practice equipment (All though this may be a gift from all your family members)
  • Athletic clothes
    • A gift card to Nike or something if he is really picky about his athletic attire
  • Videos games
    • If your brother is a videogame obsessor, pay attention to what games he refers to as “ the awesome new game that everyone has!”
  • A t-shirt with something he really likes on it
  • New shoes, a cool hat, a gift card to his favorite store
  • A fun game if he is younger
  • Itunes gift card
  • Cologne
  • A fun knick-knack you think he would like



  • Cute winter clothes
    • Knit hat or scarf
    • Cute snow boots
  • New shoes
  • Athletic wear if she plays a sport
  • A gift card to her favorite store(s)
  • Books or a gift card to a bookstore
  • A new case for her device. Girls love mixing things up.
  • A CD or tickets to her favorite artist/ band
    • Girls can be obsessed with the band/singer and so that could easily be a great gift idea.
  • If she wears jewelry or makeup
    • Try getting gift cards to Sephora, Target and other beauty stores, or see what she has been saying she needs more of, and get it for her
    • Get her a gift card to Forever 21 or another place that sells jewelry
      • Forever 21 has adorable jewelry for a very low cost!
  • A fun knick-knack you think she would like
  • Perfume/ body spray
    • Bath and Body Works gift cards always make a great gift



  • A school photograph
    • A family portrait of all of your cousins for their house
  • Slippers or fun winter accessories
    • A hat, a scarf, or even a new jacket
  • Books if they like to read
  • A new purse for grandma
  • A gift card to a restaurant for a date night


Neighbors/Teachers/Adult Family Members

  • Flowers or Plants
    • Everyone loves something beautiful for their house
  • Gift cards
    • Especially coffee and book gift cards
  • Chocolate, cookies, or their favorite treat
  • Mugs that go along with who they are or what they do
    • If you were getting your math teacher a mug, try to get one that goes along with a math theme or get a white mug and decorate it however you want for that teacher