Dealing With Suicidal Ideations

(Photo Source: PEXELS)

(Photo Source: PEXELS)

Bella Huggins, Writer

Before getting into this article, please be aware that it is not for the faint of heart. It mentions not only the difficult subject of suicide but also self-harm, mental illness, and trauma. This article partially focuses on the effects of sexual, physical, and emotional abuse and neglect. It is recommended to the reader to skip this article if any of these topics are uncomfortable or triggering.

Suicidal ideations, also known as suicidal thoughts or ideas, are defined by having abstract feelings of ending life, and/or making clear plans to end it. These thoughts are something that can affect everyone no matter one’s circumstances or status. There always is a better solution and ways you can help either yourself or those around you who are struggling. 

Helping yourself may seem difficult at this time. Maybe you feel overwhelmed or feel there are no other options that can make the pain go away, but there is always a better way. Your feelings are real and need to be expressed but your life has just as much value as the next person and these feelings are temporary. 

What You Can Do

There are many ways to prevent these thoughts or develop healthy ways to cope with them, but not everything works for everyone. People are all different and their treatment needs can vary depending on who they are. So, I recommend trying things out to see what works best for you.

(Photo Source: PEXELS)

Talking To Other People

According to it was estimated that “3.1 million adults made a suicide plan in the last year” and nearly 20% of teens report they have had suicidal thoughts. The chances are someone you know around you has felt the same way you are right now. Trusting people with this information can be a difficult thing to do but it is better than ignoring it and waiting until it is too late. 

There are also emergency health lines that can be called such as the Suicide and Crisis Hotline who recently shortened their number and can now be reached by calling 988. However, if that makes you uncomfortable you can always talk to someone close to you that you trust or someone you think would understand. 

Becoming Aware

The hardest part of overcoming these feelings is to acknowledge them. Sometimes people don’t want to realize the severity of their thoughts until it is too late. However, acknowledging and understanding the root of these problems is the first step to developing ways to get out of that mindset. 

Whether becoming aware involves self-reflection, becoming aware of your triggers, their causes, or just noticing how you are feeling and acting on it in a healthy way.

(Photo Source: PEXELS)

Notice Things You Love

Your friends, family, animals you like, that good food you had last week, there are always things to find happiness in. Maybe you love the energy of your bedroom and it is a safe place for you. If it feels like you cannot find anything positive in life, try your best to start by finding joy in small things and then slowly build that up over time. If you are struggling to come up with things there are many articles that list things to look forward to in life and small things that make people happy. 

(Photo Source: PEXELS)


Although it may seem like you cannot think about anything else doing your best to distract yourself from times it gets really bad may be the best idea. Talk to your friends, your family, go on a walk, read, watch a movie, there are so many things to do that can help take your mind off of the negative. Especially things that are involve other people, even if it is just one person, people feel less alone just being around others they are close to. 

Breathing and Coping

If you are in a situation where you seem to be having a panic attack and the idea of suicide comes to mind you should try to focus on your breathing. This can be hard for some people and it does not work for everyone but deep breaths and different strategies that focus your breathing can not only slow your heart rate and calm you down but they can also help with refocusing your mind. 

(Photo Source: PEXELS)

Professional Help 

Seeking professional help can be challenging and take a long time yet it does really help some people. Although the rumoris well known, professional help for suicidal thoughts does not immediately mean hospitalization. Although that is a valid option, there are also alternative ways that can benefit people as well. Many people have access to a lot of good therapists who help with listening as well as developing healthy coping skills. Another option, although it is not the best for everyone, is anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medication.

(Photo Source: PEXELS)

What Does All of This Mean? 

Hopefully, it is clear from the resources listed throughout this article that no one is alone if they are experiencing any of these feelings. So many people have felt exactly what you are going through and they know how hard it is. They know how tough it is to go on but you have to keep fighting.

 Suicide is a very permanent solution for a temporary problem because although it can sound hard to believe, life will get better and your life has value. So, before any decisions are made please try one of these tactics or try to get help somewhere. You are loved. 

Other resources. 

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (Confidential 24-hour hotline to call)

Crisis Text Line (Can text to talk to a trained counselor)

Trevor Lifeline (Confidential 24-hour hotline providing support to members of the LGBTQ+ community)

#BeThe1To (Working to spread awareness about suicide prevention)

Sources of Strength (Spreads awareness about not only suicide but substance abuse)

Resources for family (How to help if you know your family or friend is struggling)

Seize the Awkward

What to Do if You’re Concerned About Your Teen’s Mental Health: A Conversation Guide 

Youth Mental Health First Aid