Quote Me On This

With a January 15th yearbook bio deadline, seniors are searching for the perfect senior quote that sums up their high school experience. Many students are asking themselves whether they should go the funny route or look for something more serious.

Here are some tips for picking a  yearbook quote (compiled from sparknotes.com and espn.com) that’ll be remembered.

  1. If you’re planning on choosing a quote from your favorite TV show, movie, song, or book, it’s a good idea to pick a quote that you can actually relate to. Maybe you’ve found a connection with a character or have a favorite scene you relate to. In the long run, it’ll help you remember who you were in your high school days.
  2. If you’re picking something from a book, TV show, etc., then be sure to read/watch it in full. The Great Gatsby doesn’t stay so great, guys.
  3. Stray away from pop culture references that you might not even remember in 20 years.
  4. Inspirational quotes can become cliché. If you’re going to pick something inspirational, make sure it’s something that you agree with, rather than just another Hallmark card.
  5. Make sure your quote is school appropriate. You don’t want your quote looking like: “My —-, my —–, —- my —– and my —–” -Khia. Your mother is going to see this. Chill.
  6. Overall, just have fun with your quote! This is one of the last marks you’re going to make on Pentucket. Make it count.