The Internal Effects of Being Judged

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Matthew Beaulieu, Writer

High school is supposed to be some of the best times of someone’s life. After hearing dozens of stories from my parents about high school and “the good old days,” it sounds like it was much easier to find a group of genuine friends that were accepting and cared about who you are. Unfortunately, it would appear that times have changed. 

Nowadays, especially in high school, fitting in is harder than ever. The world is full of trends, standards, and specifications that countless people feel pressured to follow. This completely isolates someone’s personality from others around them. 

However, all of the stress and anxiety caused by pressure surrounding kids in their social environment are all made in with an effort to conceal one’s true self. With the stereotypes that go around in teenage culture, there is a greater chance of running into one of their biggest fears: being judged.

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Judgment, or being judged, is a significant part of high school and one’s teenage years. It’s something that every teenager fears and has a lot of nerves built around it. In recent years, it feels like there has never been more pressure to be someone you’re not. It is not to ignore the fact that a good amount of people are not hesitant to be themselves. However, as time goes on, it seems like this is becoming less and less of a commonality. Incrementally, more and more people, schools, and social groups become more and more closed off, and the chances of finding social acceptance are much lower.

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There is so much that goes around in our society that really contributes to highlighting a lot of people’s insecurities. Pointing out, highlighting, or joking about something that someone is insecure about can completely ruin their mentality of waking up every morning and going to school. People’s standards are ever-changing, and there’s so much to keep up with. Not to mention, stereotyping is another big issue that some people face. It cuts out a lot of people from friend groups and shuts out any attempt with being close to other people throughout the school. The pre-judgments that people make take away people’s chances before they really even have one.

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Nowadays, the pressure there is to act and look a specific way is immense, and it can even be overwhelming to some at times. If you don’t have something, dress differently, or act “out of the ordinary,” it always feels like there’s a burden of shame that hangs over you. In conversation with a student who chose to remain anonymous, they stated, “I find myself getting ready in the morning, dressing in a way I think other people would like to see me.” There are so many aspects that can spark the feeling of being out of place that surround us in a high school environment. 

High school has changed dramatically in recent years. There’s been a decrease in acceptance, and there’s a shortage of open-mindedness to go around. It has made high school for some people more stressful than necessary and has caused a lot of people to feel as if they need to be someone they’re not. Judgment can make someone feel so isolated and alone, and that feeling may never go away.