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The student news site of Pentucket Regional High School

Pentucket Profile

The student news site of Pentucket Regional High School

Pentucket Profile

The student news site of Pentucket Regional High School

Pentucket Profile

Helen Burke

Helen Burke, Writer

Hello! I’m Helen Burke. I’m a junior here at Pentucket. I take all Honors and AP courses, and a dual enrollment course with SNHU. I decided to take Journalism this semester so I can choose what I write, as opposed to book-related English papers. I like writing when I get to choose what I write about. I am involved with clubs here such as DECA. I placed in the top ten in Massachusetts last year under the category PBM (Principles of Business Management and Administration), and intend to do so again under the category ENT (Entrepreneurship). I currently work as a lifeguard at Cedarland Aquatic Center in Haverhill, MA. I also assist Tiny Tots’ dance classes in Georgetown, at BoSoma School of Dance. I am an active member of their dance company in Hamilton, BoSoma Youth Company. There, I dance ballet, contemporary, jazz, modern, tap, and other styles of dance. I also enjoy listening to music, and frequently do so in my free time. I like music by Niall Horan and Taylor Swift. I do enjoy their music the best because I like the intricacy of their lyrics. I look forward to taking this class and writing articles that relate closer to my interests, and I hope you enjoy my writing.

All content by Helen Burke