There’s No Day Like a Snowday

It finally happened!  Pentucket Regional High School had its first snowday of the school year on Friday, January 3, 2014.  The last day of the school year for non-seniors was slated to be June 16, 2014.  Do students really enjoy the day off, or is it seen in a negative light since it would mean a later start to the summer break?

Mike Kutcher, a junior at Pentucket claims, “I like snowdays”, further adding, “pond hockey and wheel with the boys, and sleeping in …. Negative, that just sounds weird.”

Ben Klosowski, another junior at Pentucket agrees, “I usually sleep in and then go play some pond hockey on my pond.”  How he really feels about snowdays; “I like them, it’s nice to get a little break and have a snow day.”

Jamie Greene, further added, “I sleep in past noon and then do some super fun activities.”

It does not appear the students at Pentucket mind pushing off summer vacation a few days to get a much needed unanticipated break during the school year, and more importantly stay safe.   Let’s hope we have a few more, and Superintendent Mulqueen gets them right.