Nicolas Yassmine, Writer
My name is Nicolas Yassmine, I am a junior at Pentucket Regional High. I love basketball and I play it year-round. I try and work on myself a lot. Whether it’s mental or physical I am always trying to better myself and improve my quality of life, and I enjoy doing so. I enjoy helping others and making people around me better than they were before I began to help them. Basketball is an easy way for me to do that. I love food, and my top 3 categories are Lebanese (Middle Eastern) Spanish, and seafood. My hobbies include spending time with loved ones, listening to music, and enjoying nature. I love nature in general because it is a beautiful thing that God created and I like to cherish moments with nature because we humans don’t appreciate it as much as we should. I am not sure what I want to do in college or where I want to go but I have a high interest in healthcare. In the future, I hope that whatever it is that I do for a living, I am happy to be doing it.