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  • No School- November 11th (Veteran's Day)
  • No School- November 5th
  • Early Release- October 22 & 24
  • Quarter 1 ends- November 7th
  • Closed for Thanksgiving- November 28th and 29th
  • Thanksgiving- November 28th
  • Halloween- October 31st
  • Early Release- October 11th
The student news site of Pentucket Regional High School

Pentucket Profile

The student news site of Pentucket Regional High School

Pentucket Profile

The student news site of Pentucket Regional High School

Pentucket Profile

Hannah Linehan

Hannah Linehan, Editor in Chief

Hi everyone, I'm Hannah Linehan, a senior, and welcome to the Pentucket Profile. This year I have taken on the role of Co-Editor in Cheif of the paper and I couldn't be more excited! I am taking on the leading role of the technical side of the site and I have become very open to learning more about the inner workings of the site and uploading everyone's work. I am so happy to have the opportunity to help others share their stories, ideas, and opinions, as well as my own. This year I hope to grow our audience and build a stronger presence throughout our school.

All content by Hannah Linehan
Pentucket in Pictures: Spirit Week

Pentucket in Pictures: Spirit Week

Hannah Linehan, Editor-in-Chief
December 6, 2021
Pentucket In Pictures: Halloween Lunch

Pentucket In Pictures: Halloween Lunch

Hannah Linehan, Editor in Chief
November 10, 2021
Pentucket In Pictures: The ALS Cup

Pentucket In Pictures: The ALS Cup

Hannah Linehan, Editor in Chief
November 4, 2021
(Photo Source: Associated Press)

Study Halls are Taking Over

Hannah Linehan, Assistant Editor
June 9, 2021
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